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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Minor surgery

Dr Mason is qualified to perform minor surgery, such as lesion excision. Dr Van’t Hoff is qualified to provide steroid injections. An appointment will be given for such treatment.

Family planning

All doctors are trained in family planning and are happy to deal with most aspects of this. Our practice nurses are also available for advice and help.

Dr Wood is able to fit coils. It is important to speak to a GP if you have any queries or concerns about a coil fit, or any other form of contraception.

Dr Mason and Dr Wood can fit the implant.

Antenatal care

All the doctors undertake antenatal care, together with the midwives. Babies may be booked for delivery in Gloucester, Stroud or Cheltenham.

The doctors do not provide a home delivery cover.

Postnatal care

All new mothers and babies will be invited for a 40 minute appointment with a GP and a practice nurse at eight weeks. During this check, the baby will be given their first routine immunisations. Mum will be asked how she is getting on. It is a good idea to bring a friend or relative with you if possible to this appointment.

Child health surveillance

Child development checks are done on all children from birth to school age, with full examinations at eight weeks and nine months. Each child is offered a full immunisation programme.

Practice nurses

Our practice nurses, Julie Lumley and Liesl Smith are on duty each day for help and advice on general matters including:

  • Chronic disease management and support including asthma, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease reviews
  • Holiday vaccinations
  • Under 5’s immunisations
  • Family planning
  • Cervical smears
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Weight checks and diet advice